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Unleashing the potential of employee advocacy

8 minutes
Written by
Abi Fairholm
Published on
August 13, 2024

Imagine transforming your entire workforce into a dynamic team of brand ambassadors, each contributing to a stronger, more authentic presence on social media. This is the power of employee advocacy, a burgeoning trend that is reshaping the landscape of influencer marketing. By leveraging the genuine enthusiasm and insights of your employees, your company can cultivate a more engaged audience, boost brand visibility, and drive significant business growth.

The Power of Employee Advocacy

Is your company encouraging its team to participate in employee advocacy on social media? If not, now is the time to start. Employee advocacy is not just a passing trend; it marks the dawn of a new era in influencer marketing that is both effective and sustainable.

What is Employee-Generated Content (EGC)?

Employee-generated content (EGC) is a type of user-generated content that positions employees as brand advocates for the companies they work for. Unlike traditional marketing, EGC leverages the authenticity and credibility of employees to promote the brand. Here’s why this approach is so powerful:

·      Authenticity: Messages from employees are perceived as more genuine and trustworthy compared to corporate messages.

·      Reach: Employees collectively have a wider network than the brand's corporate accounts.

·      Engagement: Content shared by employees tends to have higher engagement rates due to personal connections.

Why Embrace Employee Advocacy?

What’s not to like about this process? Your happy, motivated, and curious employees are your company's biggest assets. They want to promote the place they work and the amazing work they do. Here are a few key reasons why embracing employee advocacy is beneficial:

1.    Increased Brand Awareness: When employees share content, it reaches a broader and more diverse audience. According to LinkedIn, content shared by employees receives twice the engagement as content shared by companies. (LinkedIn article)

2.    Enhanced Credibility: Nielsen’sGlobal Trust in Advertising report states that 83% of people trust recommendations from friends and family over other forms of advertising. Employees, seen as insiders, fall into this trusted group. (Report)

3.    Higher Engagement Rates: Sprout Social reports that employee-shared content gets 8 times more engagement than content shared through brand channels. (Sprout Social article)

4.    Boost in Sales: A study conducted by Dale Carnegie found that companies with engaged employees out perform those without by up to 202%. (Read the study)

Real-World Success Stories

5.    Adobe’s #AdobeLife Campaign: Adobe encourages its employees to share their work experiences and company culture on social media with the hashtag #AdobeLife. This campaign has significantly boosted Adobe’s brand image and engagement online.

6.    Dell’s Social Media Training Programme: Dell has a structured employee advocacy program that trains employees to effectively use social media. As a result, Dell has seen a 69% increase in engagement on social media channels.

7.    IBM’s Employee Advocacy Programme: IBM leverages its employees to share industry insights and company news. This programme has not only increased IBM’s social media reach but also positioned its employees as thought leaders in the tech industry.

The Ripple Effect of EGC

Your employees understand that increasing engagement on social media drives more traffic to the business, generating more leads. This, in turn, creates more work for the company, securing their roles and providing opportunities for career growth. Here’s how:

·      More Leads: Higher social media engagement leads to increased website traffic and potential customer inquiries.

·      Job Security: A thriving business means more stable employment and growth opportunities for employees.

·      Career Growth: Employees can build their personal brands, gaining recognition and opportunities both within and outside the company.

By fostering an environment where employees feel empowered to share their experiences and insights, companies can unlock a powerful marketing channel that drives real business results. Now is the perfect time to start leveraging the power of employee advocacy and witnessing the transformative impact it can have on your brand.

Types of Employee-Generated Content

Here are some examples of EGC that can significantly impact your brand:

·      Sharing a Blog Post on LinkedIn: Employees can share blog posts written at work, offering insights and showcasing company expertise.

·      Posting a Day in the Life on TikTok: A behind-the-scenes look at a typical day in your company can humanise your brand and attract a wider audience.

·      Speaking on a Panel Event: Employees can represent the company at industry events, sharing their experiences and highlighting the company’s strengths.

·      Networking and Introducing the Brand: Employees can introduce your brand to relevant industry contacts, expanding your network and influence.

The Future of Employee-Generated Content

As we look ahead, the power of Employee-Generated Content (EGC) shows no signs of waning. In fact it is poised to become an integral part of forward-thinking marketing strategies. The authenticity and relatability of EGC can create a powerful connection between your brand and its audience, driving not just engagement but also loyalty and trust.

Imagine a future where every employee feels like a vital part of the brand's story, where their voices are amplified, and their contributions recognised. EGC has the potential to revolutionise the way we think about marketing and brand advocacy. It can break down barriers between the corporate and the personal, creating a seamless, authentic narrative that resonates deeply with audiences.

Companies that embrace this shift and empower their employees to share their authentic experiences will find themselves at the forefront of this transformative movement. By investing in employee advocacy programmes and creating a culture that celebrates employee contributions, businesses can unlock unprecedented opportunities for growth and connection.

Explore the potential of Employee-GeneratedContent and see how it can transform your brand. The future of marketing is here, and it starts with your employees.

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